Pedantry will not Save you

All creative realms have their pedants;
whether painters who insist on 'correct' ways to apply liquid colour
to a surface, or writers who question syntax and accurate word usage.
The pedant will not save you. You will never create great art looking
through the eyes of the pedant.
Great art might not come easy, sure,
but to venture on its journey is simple. To look for the correct and
accurate is to move parallel to greatness; to walk with it but never
touch it. One must never ask: 'am I doing it right?';
but ask: 'is this how I want to do it?'
Only through the self can one create what is meaningful; only through
perseverance of one's own realisations can one achieve (truly
achieve). Before one asks: 'Is this grammatically correct?'
one must ask: 'Is
this sentence good? Does it say what I want it to say? Is it doing
what I want it to do?' If not,
change it; not because of grammar but because it's a lousy sentence.
Take issue with your work because it is hackneyed and banal, not
because is fails to meet a set of arbitrary rules. Change it, and
move on.
Over and out for now, guys!
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