Working Class Hero

Allow me to tell you what Working Class Hero is about. There seems to be a decided vagueness shrouding this song and even Lennon himself was not entirely certain of the song's meaning. I am of the opinion that creatives are not always the most qualified people to explain their own work, so the numerous bland utterances to pass Lennon's own lips are of little interest to me; and, having listened to his rather naïve and uninsightful descriptions of both politics and art, it is surely safe to disregard much of what he has said about this song. Fans' comments too, posted online, provide not much more than a stating of the obvious, pointing out how the lyrics are about a working class person and their experiences growing up. The best critique I have read can be found here , and this is hardly detailed, but it does point out the irony present in some of the lyrics. It is the noted sarcasm and Lennon's harboured bitterness which need to be examined in order to discover th...